About Us

About Saksham

The “Mata Chakeri Devi Foundation” trust, working with dedication in the interest of the society, is working in various fields. Be it the matter of fraternity of the society, be it the matter of environmental protection, be it the matter of economic self-reliance of the economically weaker sections. Whether it is a matter of taking the policies and plans of the government to the masses, whether it is a matter of standing up to help the society at the time of natural calamity, it is a matter of awakening the spirit of patriotism among the youth, “Mata Chakeri Devi Foundation” has been formed to play a leading role in the interest of the society on all such issues. In this sequence, a special project “Saksham” has been conceptualized keeping in mind the self-reliance of women and their encouragement.

Saksham Research Center will be a different type of research center in India, where continuous accurate information and research will be done on social, political and economic situation. How to further develop this potential by adjusting qualified researchers, using their talent? If possible, “Capable Research Center” operated under the guidance of scholar teachers, while continuously researching in relation to country’s unique and authentic society and manpower, to inform the concerned authorities / institutions and governments and their need will also work according to need and priority. 

Saksham will also use the latest, best technical mediums adopted for the survey at present, as well as connecting directly with the public, will work on his research only after understanding their opinion and their intention.

As we all know, in the era of information technology, the society is changing very fast. The new changes in the lifestyle of human beings are developing a new society and their latest understanding of the society. According to the priorities and needs of the society, future plans will have to be made. Keeping in mind the challenges of the future, we will have to make many changes in every field. We have to understand what is our real situation at present and what are the challenges we have to face in the future. How can we deal with them? How to get ID? Based on the latest changes, how can we serve humanity more while keeping our country in the forefront. All these topics are possible only through research. 

We have to understand what is our real situation at present and what are the challenges we have to face in the future. How can we deal with them? How to get ID? Based on the latest changes, how can we serve humanity more while keeping our country in the forefront. All these topics are possible only through research. Saksham Research Center has been established with the aim of providing continuous cooperation to many institutions, political parties, business establishments and governments of the country and abroad through its responsible services. 

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